ИНН:9728025920 / КПП:772801001 / ОГРН:1217700029612
April 2021 Press Release/Communique

April 2021 Press Release/Communique

April 2021 Press Release/Communique

Nigerians in Diaspora Organisation (NIDO) Russia the first registered organisation in Russia that provides for the socioeconomic development of Nigerians in Russia in accordance with NIDCOM commission, has grown to be the largest organisation in that regard in Russia.
After our open, free and fair elections on the 27th of February 2021, we took on a set of policy objectives to serve our members and stakeholders better. These include, relaunching our website, setting our clear-cut policies for growth and improving our presence on the global map in addition to others.
From the onset, we always had inclusiveness, transparency and accountability on our mind, hence there was a need to register our organisation immediate before operation or collecting funds from intending financial members. Our robust and diverse executive members also reflect this policy. There was also no need to upgrade our status with the Ministry of Justice because from the very first day of operation, we had registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation!
Inclusiveness: As mentioned before, our executive members and members as a whole reflect our diversity. We have also made it very easy to join us as an ordinary or financial member. Being an ordinary member is absolutely FREE irrespective of your EDUCATION, TRIBE, GENDER, RELIGION or FRIEND ASSOCIATIONS. You can find the link to our membership form here or on our website
Registration Form: https://forms.gle/JvWuX697ekg4qkY87
Website: http://nido-russia.ru
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nidorussiaofficial
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nidorussia
Twitter: https://www.instagram.com/nido_russia

Transparency: All information about our events and activities will be posted on all our social media pages and website. Our constitution and social media policies can also be found on our website. We have an open social media policy and do not segregate. Members have noted this distinct peculiarity.
Constitution Link: http://nido-russia.ru/images/nido_constitution.pdf
Social Media Policy: http://nido-russia.ru/images/nido_smp.pdf
Accountability: As the first and largest registered NIDO organisation in Russia, from day one, all financial members have been constantly updated on our account status and reserve the right to seek for financial update from the financial secretary who is always ready to provide it.

Disclaimer: To avoid fraud, all information about NIDO Russia can be gotten from the links posted and any links we do not provide can be disregarded.
We are not stopping here and remain committed to serving you better, promoting our socioeconomic development in Russia, promoting national development and maximising our returns on investments.

Yours in Service,
Dr. Godwin E. Ibe (MD, MSc, PhD)
Chairman, NIDO Russia

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NIDO Russia

Promoting Socioeconomic and Cultural Development of Nigeria and Nigerians

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117198 Moscow, Samory Machela 6

+7 (925) 009-4495


Designed by Dr. Godwin Ibe